NO-MO-CO, Me and Nicolette, DDS+RDH=UNITY: OYF-081 May 7, 2020 This week we go over some text messages from the OYF hotline , @ 256-74-FLOSS. We received a funny picture from Jeannie, teasing us about last weeks episode and we received a message from another Hygienist...
AFlexxassist Arm, Aurelia, and Season 2 : OYF 054 Nov 1, 2019 Welcome to the first Episode of the second season of the Off Your Flosser Podcast. This week we interview Aurelia and discuss her invention the AFlexxAssistArm. An ingenious extra appendage that holds the...
OYF Live in Missouri : Episode 051 We went to the Missouri Dental Hygienists Association Annual Session in Springfield and met some amazing people! This list is not complete there are too many to mention, but thank you Michele O’Leary, Anne...
PRODUCTS DIQ webinar series: A simple solution for the management of dental aerosols (Video) There’s been a lot of discussion in the dental profession about aerosols. A~flexX Assist Arm was created by a dental hygienist, and it lends itself nicely to aerosol...
BURST TV, DENTAL PROCEDURES, TIPS AND TRICKS RDH INVENTION: THE AFLEXX ASSIST ARM by BURST Oral Care Share Dental clinicians often find themselves in a common and uncomfortable scenario. Multiple tools, the need for retraction and isolation, and the ability to have a...