by A~flexX | Oct 30, 2020
The A~flexX LVE assist arm and HVE arm are two separate arms. They can be used at the same time, but in order to have both the saliva ejector and your high volume extra oral suction you must purchase both arms.
by A~flexX | Oct 30, 2020
When you order the HVE kit, it comes with everything you need to get started. We recommend that you order more funnels due to the sterilization process. It is recommended that the funnels be sterilized after each use. Other products you may want to have on hand are...
by A~flexX | Oct 30, 2020
We do have promotions that we can offer for the LVE and HVE Kits only. If you have an order of 10 or more LVE or HVE kits please contact us at (954) 466-8008 and we will be happy to help you with that.
by A~flexX | Oct 30, 2020
Due to inventory control we only sell the funnels with the order of a HVE kit. You may order the funnels separately once you have a HVE kit.
by A~flexX | Oct 30, 2020
The kit will come with one funnel. We recommend adding a set of 8 funnels with your kit to have a rotating amount of funnels for sterilization. The funnels are sterilizable and it is recommended that you sterilize them after each use.